If you are a Linux user, one time probably came dipikiran, what if we can make a Linux that best suit our desires. Display as desired, the package is bundled applications on demand with a choice of desktop or configurations that have been set up in advance. If this is applied at the corporate level, quite a lot of time can be saved because the system will be deployed are standardized in advance.
Such a process known as remastering process. There are so many distros diremastering because each person has different tastes. Debian for example, have children turunanan Ubuntu. Ubuntu and Linux Mint diremastering longer. There is also a Mandriva distro, which is then re-set and remastering by providing a variety of adjustments that produce distro PCLinuxOS.
Remastering is an interesting process because we do not need to create a system from scratch. If we learn the operating systems course, remastering can be one right way to understand the concept of making the operating system easily.
Although interesting, the remastering is not always easy. Of the thousands of Linux users, probably only a few dozen or a hundred people who understand the remastering. This is because the remastering does require more knowledge than just a casual user.
Now, how hard and complicated the process of remastering can already be eliminated. openSUSE launches a new program named SUSEStudio.
What is SUSEStudio?
SUSEStudio is a web-based application that can be used to make Linux as we want. Desktop is used to choose whether to use LimeJeos (Just Enough Operating System, Linux mild with only certain applications are loaded), the server text mode, minimal GUI, KDE3, KDE4, IceWM, Gnome, XFCE, LXDE and others.
Applications that we can choose whether a special insert to the server, whether for desktop use, whether to include multimedia, applications development and others.
We can also directly choose whether the wallpaper and brandingnya tailored to our preferences or use default wallpaper and branding.
We can choose whether to perform the build process a CD or DVD iso, LiveUSB, VMWare or Xen Image Image.
Please see the screencast SUSEStudio here.
SUSEStudio is a revolutionary process that changes the way the Linux distro and making mechanism. Users can freely establish a choice-based distros openSUSE and then download the application.
The process of making distributions made directly on servers openSUSE Build Service with a fairly high speed. Last time I did a remastering process openSUSE 11.1 LiveDVD Multimedia Plus version 2, I only takes between 10-15 minutes to become an iso file or LiveUSB ready to use.
SUSEStudio now open to the public with the registration process through the mechanism of the invite. If you've done the registration process, please wait some time until the account was available.
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